I am so delighted and honored that the good folks over at The Tattooed Buddha have named me a columnist and featured writer.  I get the great chance to write teachings and thoughts about dharma, Buddhism, and all things mindfulness to be published on their E-Magazine.  TTB represents a number of different Buddhist lineages, thoughts and ideas - everything from yoga and parenting to Zen principles and Tibetan practices.  You can access my content through my author page, or link from here.

The Problem with Bootstraps and why we should Compassionately let them go.

The Work of an Awakened Heart (At The Dentist's Office)

From #MeToo to "Let's Pretend": Pema Chodron calls out Shambhala's shame.

Concentration, Meditation, and the Point of Sex: A Contemplative Valentine

Joyous Effort: The Women Who Were Also There

Avoid The Bypass: How to be a Responsive LIstener

Avoid The Bypass: How to be a Responsive Listener

Living Bead by Bead: A Non-Traditional Mala Practice


At the Ballet: The Difference between Attachment and Connection

What Is Compassion

Meditation Won't Make LIke Perfect, but Will Let You Begin Again

Impermanence: Loving in Spite of Knowing the Loss