This is the personal web container of writer Kellie Schorr.  It is a site for readers, writers, meditators and seekers.  

There's a diversity of content here - everything from  writing tips and creative projects to reviews and news from Kellie thrown in as well. 

  • If you want to know all about Kellie's newly released novel The Space Between Breaths, click that page. 
  • If you wanted to share thoughts about Kellie's horror/dharma article series "Dharma in the Dark" or recommend a scary movie for her to watch, go to Horror Hounds. 
  • If you're interested in Kellie's fiction work, or writing coaching, lean toward the The Write Path. 
  • If you're interested in Kellie's teachings in Buddhism, check out the links to her work on The Tattooed Buddha. 
  • Most importantly, if you have a question, thought, or movie she should see, go to the Connect page and reach out.